Production, logistics, innovation for the BEST in beer

BESTMALZ is a branded product in the domestic and international markets. As such, we guarantee the quality of our products to meet the highest standards. Whether in the selection of raw materials, in the natural purity during production, with regard to packaging or in our dealings with customers and trading partners – quality is our top priority!

“Quality is our top priority!”

– CEO, Dr. Axel Göhler

The essential aspects

Raw materials – the BEST basis

We actively participate in expert committees and process only completely flawless goods – this is the basis for our malts. Thanks to our long-standing and trusting supplier relationships, we can rely on a network in which only the very best raw materials are used to produce BEST malt. Our production facilities are located in the heart of nature. Contract farmers from the region supply us with barley and wheat. With very few exceptions, the grain we process comes from German cultivation. The malting barley varieties we malt are recommended by the so-called “Berlin Program”.

Production – the BEST technology

We process high-quality raw materials for brewing and baking with state-of-the-art malting technology under continuous quality control. BEST steeping technology: Careful cleaning, ventilation, CO2 extraction and air conditioning is the optimal preparation for the germination process. BEST germination technology: Controlled germination without chemical additives (German Purity Law) in Saladin boxes and germination lines, taking into account natural characteristics (variety, harvest year, origin) and individual customer requirements. BEST kilning technology: Gentle drying of green malts by indirect firing using PLC-supported process control, environmentally friendly with natural or liquid gas.

Shipping – The BEST logistics

We also focus on quality in packaging and logistics: free of dust and foreign particles, malt is packaged using state-of-the-art bagging equipment. Our warehouse and logistics center at the Wallertheim site near Mainz has a seamless loading and quantity control system with fully automatic palletizing. Trade documents and goods accompanying documents are prepared with the utmost care to ensure that there are no problems or delays when importing into our export markets. Our employees are professionals who are top performers in their fields. The desire for total customer satisfaction drives us every day.

Monitoring – the BEST quality

We work strictly in accordance with the guidelines of the applicable food legislation and other legal requirements. Our laboratory analytics comprehensively safeguard incoming and outgoing goods. We regularly monitor our raw materials for compliance with legal limits for insecticides and other contaminants using the contaminant monitoring system of a leading analysis institute (SGS, Hamburg) in cooperation with the German Maltsters’ Association. After bagging, every 50th malt bag is opened by hand, inspected, and then sewn shut again, bearing the personalized control card of the examining inspector from our quality assurance department. We also guarantee occupational safety and accident prevention at our production sites.

And what’s next? – The BEST future

As a medium-sized family business, we operate and plan for the long term. We reinvest a large part of our profits into the company. We reinvest a large part of our profits into the company. Research and product development are systematically pursued as part of our forward-looking corporate growth. We have been taking climate change into account for years and are gradually converting our energy-intensive plants. Maintaining the company for future generations and competing with BEST quality today and in the future are the guiding principles of our actions!

BESTMALZ – For the best beer

“It goes through like butter” – we regularly hear this phrase from our customers. The statement means that the malt has formed an optimal layer to ensure good filtering of the mash in the brewing process. Brewers know:
Brewing with BESTMALZ is effective and consistently delivers reliable results.

Certification // Quality assurance